Journal of Turkish Language and Literature: Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi (TUDED) aims to publish research articles on Turkish language, literature and culture, contributing to the field.
Journal of Turkish Language and Literature: Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi (TUDED) is an open access, peer-reviewed, scholarly and international journal published three times a year in April, August and December. It has been an official publication of Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Turkish Language and Literature. The journal has been published since 1946. The manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal must be scientific and original work in Turkey Turkish or English.
Journal of Turkish Language and Literature: Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi (TUDED) publishes research articles on Turkish language, literature and culture, contributing to the field. The target group of the journal consists of academicians, researchers, professionals, students, related professional and academic bodies and institutions.
Journal of Turkish Language and Literature: Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi (TUDED) is an open access, peer-reviewed, scholarly and international journal published three times a year in April, August and December. It has been an official publication of Istanbul University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Turkish Language and Literature. The journal has been published since 1946. The manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal must be scientific and original work in Turkey Turkish or English.
Journal of Turkish Language and Literature: Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi (TUDED) publishes research articles on Turkish language, literature and culture, contributing to the field. The target group of the journal consists of academicians, researchers, professionals, students, related professional and academic bodies and institutions.
Publication Policy
The subjects covered in the manuscripts submitted to the Journal for publication must be in accordance with the aim and scope of the journal. The journal gives priority to original research papers submitted for publication.
General Principles
Only those manuscripts approved by its every individual author and that were not published before in or sent to another journal, are accepted for evaluation.
Submitted manuscripts that pass preliminary control are scanned for plagiarism using iThenticate software. After plagiarism check, the eligible ones are evaluated by editor-in-chief for their originality, methodology, the importance of the subject covered and compliance with the journal scope.
Short presentations that took place in scientific meetings can be referred if indicated in the article.
The editor hands over the papers matching the formal rules to two national/international referees for evaluation and gives green light for publication upon modification by the authors in accordance with the referees’ claims.
Changing the name of an author (omission, addition or order) in papers submitted to the Journal requires written permission of all declared authors.
The main text file of the manuscript must not contain any data on the identity of the author. Manuscripts in which anonymity is not ensured will not be considered for evaluation.
Non-compliance of the manuscript drafts sent to TUDED with the journal's writing rules is a reason for rejection.
TUDED, authors and other interested parties communicate via e-mail or the messaging module in the journal automation system. E-mails sent to addresses other than will not be considered.
Author Responsibilities
It is authors’ responsibility to ensure that the article is in accordance with scientific and ethical standards and rules. And authors must ensure that submitted work is original. They must certify that the manuscript has not previously been published elsewhere or is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere, in any language. Applicable copyright laws and conventions must be followed. Copyright material (e.g. tables, figures or extensive quotations) must be reproduced only with appropriate permission and acknowledgement. Any work or words of other authors, contributors, or sources must be appropriately credited and referenced.
All the authors of a submitted manuscript must have direct scientific and academic contribution to the manuscript. The author(s) of the original research articles is defined as a person who is significantly involved in “conceptualization and design of the study”, “collecting the data”, “analyzing the data”, “writing the manuscript”, “reviewing the manuscript with a critical perspective” and “planning/conducting the study of the manuscript and/or revising it”. Fund raising, data collection or supervision of the research group are not sufficient roles to be accepted as an author. The author(s) must meet all these criteria described above. The order of names in the author list of an article must be a co-decision and it must be indicated in the Copyright Agreement Form.
The individuals who do not meet the authorship criteria but contributed to the study must take place in the acknowledgement section. Individuals providing technical support, assisting writing, providing a general support, providing material or financial support are examples to be indicated in acknowledgement section.
All authors must disclose all issues concerning financial relationship, conflict of interest, and competing interest that may potentially influence the results of the research or scientific judgment. When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published paper, it is the author’s obligation to promptly cooperate with the Editor to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.
Responsibility for the Editors, Reviewers and Review Process
Editors evaluate the manuscripts objectively in accordance with scientific and ethical rules. They provide a fair double-blind peer review of the submitted articles for publication. They ensure that all the information related to submitted manuscripts is kept as confidential before publishing. Editors are responsible for the contents and overall quality of the publication. They must publish errata pages or make corrections when needed.
Editor does not allow any conflicts of interest between the authors, editors and reviewers. Only he has the full authority to assign a reviewer and is responsible for final decision for publication of the manuscripts in the Journal.
Reviewers evaluate the manuscripts objectively in accordance with scientific and ethical rules. They must have no conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and/or the research funders. Their judgments must be objective.
Reviewers should identify the relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. They must ensure that all the information related to submitted manuscripts is kept as confidential and must report to the Editor if they are aware of copyright infringement and plagiarism on the author’s side. A reviewer who feels unqualified to review the topic of a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify the Editor and excuse himself from the review process.
The editor informs the reviewers that the manuscripts are confidential information and that this is a privileged interaction. The reviewers and editorial board cannot discuss the manuscripts with other persons. The reviewers are not allowed to have copies of the manuscripts for personal use and they cannot share manuscripts with others. Unless the authors and editor permit, the reviews of referees cannot be published or disclosed. The anonymity of the referees is important. In particular situations, the editor may share the review of one reviewer with other reviewers to clarify a particular point.
The journal is an open access journal and all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Except for commercial purposes, users are allowed to read, download, copy, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
The open access articles in the journal are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. (
Standards and Principles
Journal of Turkish Language and Literature: Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi (TUDED) is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and pays regard to Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) on
The subjects covered in the manuscripts submitted to the Journal for publication must be in accordance with the aim and scope of the Journal. Only those manuscripts approved by every individual author and that were not published before in or sent to another journal, are accepted for evaluation.
Changing the name of an author (omission, addition or order) in papers submitted to the Journal requires written permission of all declared authors.
Plagiarism, duplication, fraud authorship/denied authorship, research/data fabrication, salami slicing/salami publication, breaching of copyrights, prevailing conflict of interest are unethical behaviors. All manuscripts not in accordance with the accepted ethical standards will be removed from the publication. This also contains any possible malpractice discovered after the publication.
Submitted manuscripts that pass preliminary control are scanned for plagiarism using iThenticate software. If plagiarism/self-plagiarism will be found authors will be informed. Editors may resubmit manuscript for similarity check at any peer-review or production stage if required. High similarity scores may lead to rejection of a manuscript before and even after acceptance.
Reminder: The concepts of similarity and plagiarism refer to different phenomena. If plagiarism is detected in a manuscript, whether or not the similarity index is high, that manuscript will directly be rejected.
Double Blind Peer-Review
After plagiarism check, the eligible ones are evaluated by the editors-in-chief for their originality, methodology, the importance of the subject covered and compliance with the journal scope. The editor provides a fair double-blind peer review of the submitted articles and hands over the papers matching the formal rules to at least two national/international referees for evaluation and gives green light for publication upon modification by the authors in accordance with the referees’ claims.
The language of the journal is Turkey Turkish and English.
All correspondence will be sent to the first-named author unless otherwise specified. Manuscript is to be submitted online via and it must be accompanied by a cover letter indicating that the manuscript is intended for publication, specifying the article category (i.e. research article etc.) and including information about the manuscript (see the Submission Checklist). In addition, a ‘Copyright Agreement Form’ that has to be signed by all authors must be submitted.
1. The manuscripts must be in Times New Roman typeface, 11 font size and have single line spacing (special typefaces can be only used partially).
2. In the manuscript, the title in English must be written with capital letters (10 font size) and the title in Turkish with capital letters (14 font size).
3. In the manuscript, after the titles and before the introduction section, Turkish abstracts of 180-200 and English abstracts of 180-250 words and an extended abstract in English comprising 600-800 words must take place. Five keywords must be included in the abstracts.
4. The articles must not be over 35 pages.
5. The Spelling Dictionary of the Institution of the Turkish Language (TDK) is to be abided in the articles and abbreviations.
6. In the studies of texts with transcription, one of the fonts of Timesefras, Munevver, and Oktay New Transcription or Timestrans is to be used. The transliteration studies with the fonts other than those will not be accepted. Those fonts will only be used in the text part. Times New Roman will be used in the Introduction, Analysis and Conclusion sections as stated in the first topic. Moreover, the photocopy or CD of the text that was studied has to be sent as well. (This is needed in order to send the text to the referees and for the evaluation of the text).
7. When submitting a translation for publication, a sample of the original text and bibliographical info must be attached as well.
8. A title page including author information must be submitted together with the manuscript. The title page is to include fully descriptive title of the manuscript and, affiliation, title, e-mail address, postal address, phone and fax number of the author(s) (see The Submission Checklist).
9. The rights of the manuscripts submitted to our Journal for publication, belongs to the author(s). Legal and scientific responsibility of the text which is published in the Journal, it belongs to the author(s) and the Journal is not responsible for it.
10. The author(s) can be asked to make some changes in their articles due to peer reviews.
11. The manuscripts that were sent to the Journal will not be returned whether they are published or not.
For a manuscript to be included in the review and evaluation process, the language quality must meet a standard of sufficient quality. This must be documented with a certificate by non-native English-speaking authors; a certificate is optional for native English-speaking or proficient English-language authors. Below are some examples of editing service providers; it is expected, but not limited to this list, that the editing certificate is obtained from a professional service provider with a quality standard in editing
Best Edit & Proof
Ejear Editing
English Go
First Editing
Kalite Akademik Tercüme
Journal of Turkish Language and Literature: Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi (TUDED) uses The Chicago Manual of Style (18th ed.) for referencing and quoting.
Citations and explanations should only appear in footnotes at the bottom of the page. Please do not use the author-date system.
The author(s) is responsible for the reliability and accuracy of the references.
All cited sources should be listed in the bibliography at the end of manuscript. In quotations and in the bibliography, titles such as books, journals and newspapers must be written in italics.
1. Marcel Erdal, Old Turkic Word Formation: A Functiol Approach to the Lexicon Vol I (Otto Harrassowitz, 1991), 10.
2. Peter B. Golden, Nomads and Sedentary Societies in Medieval Eurasia (American Historical Association, 1998), 165.
Shortened Notes
1. Erdal, Old Turkic Word Formation, 110.
2. Golden, Nomads and Sedentary Societies, 190.
Bibliography entries (in alphabetical order)
1. Erdal, Marcel. Old Turkic Word Formation A Functiol Approach to the Lexicon Vol I. Otto Harrassowitz, 1991.
2. Golden, Peter B.. Nomads and Sedentary Societies in Medieval Eurasia. American Historical Association, 1998.
Frank Robert Palmer, Semantik - Yeni Bir Anlambilim Projesi, trans. Ramazan Ertürk (Fol Kitap, 2020).
Shortened Notes
Palmer, Semantik, 23.
Bibliography entry
Palmer, Frank Robert. Semantik - Yeni Bir Anlambilim Projesi. Translated by Ramazan Ertürk. Fol Kitap, 2020.
Peter B. Golden, “Reflections on the Ethnonym Türk”, in From the Khan's Oven Studies on the History of Central Asiaan Religions in Honor of Devin DeWeese, ed. Eren Tasar, Allen J. Frank and Jeff Eden, (Brill, 2022), 3.
Shortened Notes
Golden, “Reflections on the Ethnonym Türk”, 5.
Bibliography entry
Golden, Peter B.. “Reflections on the Ethnonym Türk”. In From the Khan’s Oven Studies on the History of Central Asian Religions in Honor of Devin DeWeese, edited by Eren Tasar, Allen J. Frank and Jeff Eden. Brill, 2022.
1. Muhamed Citaku, “Turk Character in the Legendary Albanian Songs Named the Songs of the Frontier Warriors”, Millî Folklor 18, no. 142 (2024): 77.
2. Zharneke Shaygozova and Rustam Muzafarov, “Looking For A Changing Tradition: Kazakh Traditional Doll On Cer-emony, Rite, Game And Art Practice”, Millî Folklor 28, no. 140 (2023): 141.
Shortened Notes
1. Citaku, “Turk Character in the Legendary Albanian Songs,” 80.
2. Shaygozova and Muzafarov, “, “Kazakh Traditional Doll,” 135.
Bibliography entries (in alphabetical order)
1. Citaku, Muhamed. “Turk Character in the Legendary Albanian Songs Named the Songs of the Frontier Warriors”. Millî Folklor 18, no. 142 (2023): 78-85.
2. Shaygozova, Zhanerke and Rustam Muzafarov. “Looking For A Changing Tradition: Kazakh Traditional Doll On Cer-emony, Rite, Game And Art Practice”. Millî Folklor 28, no. 140 (2023): 130-142.
Hakan Erdem, “Şikârî'nin Avları,” review of Karamannâme, by Şikârî, Karar Gazetesi, October 24, 2018.
Shortened Notes
Erdem, “Şikârî'nin Avları.”
Bibliography entry
Erdem, Hakan. Şikârî'nin Avları.” Review of Karamannâme, by Şikârî, Karar Gazetesi, October 24, 2018.
Loukia Taxitari, “The interaction between cognitive and linguistic categorisation in early word learning” (PhD diss., University of Oxford, 2008), 47, Oxford University Research Archive (uuid:5289ad15-88e4-4f3a-92ae-584280f7abf3).
Shortened Notes
Taxitari, “The interaction between cognitive and linguistic categorisation,” 82.
Bibliography entry
Taxitari, Loukia. “The interaction between cognitive and linguistic categorisation in early word learning.” PhD diss., University of Oxford, 2008. Oxford University Research Archive (uuid:5289ad15-88e4-4f3a-92ae-584280f7abf3).
“Research: Support for researchers,” University of Oxford, acccessed December 30, 2024,
Shortened Notes
University of Oxford “Support for researchers.”
Bibliography entry
University of Oxford. “Research: Support for researchers.” Accessed December 30, 2024,
For more information:
Ensure that the following items are present:
● Cover letter to the editor
The category of the manuscript
Confirming that “the paper is not under consideration for publication in another journal”.
Including disclosure of any commercial or financial involvement.
Confirming that last control for fluent English was done.
Confirming that journal policies detailed in Information for Authors have been reviewed.
● Copyright Agreement Form
● Permission of previous published material if used in the present manuscript
● Title page
The category of the manuscript
The title of the manuscript both in Turkish and in English
All authors’ names and affiliations (institution, faculty/department, city, country),
e-mail addresses
Corresponding author’s email address, full postal address, telephone and fax number
ORCIDs of all authors.
● Main Manuscript Document:
The title of the manuscript both in Turkish and in English
Abstracts both in Turkish (180-200 words) and in English (180-250 words)
Key words: 5 words in Turkish and in English
Extended Abstract (600-800 words) in English (only for articles in Turkish)
Body text
Grant support (if exists)
Conflict of interest (if exists)
Acknowledgement (if exists)
All tables, illustrations (figures) (including title, description, footnotes)
Editor : Ali Şükrü ÇORUK
E-mail :
Phone : +90 (212) 455 57 00-15851
Fax : +90 (212) 511 24 67
Address : Istanbul University Faculty of Letters
Department of Turkish and Language and Literature
B Block, IIIrd Floor
Ordu Street No: 6,
34459 Laleli/Istanbul/TURKEY
Statement of Publication Ethics
Journal of Turkish Language and Literature: Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Dergisi (TUDED) is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and pays regard to Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) on
Submitted manuscripts that pass preliminary control are scanned for plagiarism using iThenticate software. If plagiarism/self-plagiarism will be found authors will be informed. Editors may resubmit manuscript for similarity check at any peer-review or production stage if required. High similarity scores may lead to rejection of a manuscript before and even after acceptance.
Reminder: The concepts of similarity and plagiarism refer to different phenomena. If plagiarism is detected in a manuscript, whether or not the similarity index is high, that manuscript will directly be rejected.
Double Blind Peer-Review
After plagiarism check, the eligible ones are evaluated by the editors-in-chief for their originality, methodology, the importance of the subject covered and compliance with the journal scope. The editor provides a fair double-blind peer review of the submitted articles and hands over the papers matching the formal rules to at least two national/international referees for evaluation and gives green light for publication upon modification by the authors in accordance with the referees’ claims.
Research Ethics
The Journal adheres to the highest standards in research ethics and follows the principles of international research ethics as defined below. The authors are responsible for the compliance of the manuscripts with the ethical rules.
- Principles of integrity, quality and transparency should be sustained in designing the research, reviewing the design and conducting the research.
- The research team and participants should be fully informed about the aim, methods, possible uses and requirements of the research and risks of participation in research.
- The confidentiality of the information provided by the research participants and the confidentiality of the respondents should be ensured. The research should be designed to protect the autonomy and dignity of the participants.
- Research participants should participate in the research voluntarily, not under any coercion.
- Any possible harm to participants must be avoided. The research should be planned in such a way that the participants are not at risk.
- The independence of research must be clear; and any conflict of interest or must be disclosed.
- In experimental studies with human subjects, written informed consent of the participants who decide to participate in the research must be obtained. In the case of children and those under wardship or with confirmed insanity, legal custodian’s assent must be obtained.
- If the study is to be carried out in any institution or organization, approval must be obtained from this institution or organization.
- In studies with human subject, it must be noted in the method’s section of the manuscript that the informed consent of the participants and ethics committee approval from the institution where the study has been conducted have been obtained.
Author Responsibilities
It is authors’ responsibility to ensure that the article is in accordance with scientific and ethical standards and rules. And authors must ensure that submitted work is original. They must certify that the manuscript has not previously been published elsewhere or is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere, in any language. Applicable copyright laws and conventions must be followed. Copyright material (e.g. tables, figures or extensive quotations) must be reproduced only with appropriate permission and acknowledgement. Any work or words of other authors, contributors, or sources must be appropriately credited and referenced.
All the authors of a submitted manuscript must have direct scientific and academic contribution to the manuscript. The author(s) of the original research articles is defined as a person who is significantly involved in “conceptualization and design of the study”, “collecting the data”, “analyzing the data”, “writing the manuscript”, “reviewing the manuscript with a critical perspective” and “planning/conducting the study of the manuscript and/or revising it”. Fund raising, data collection or supervision of the research group are not sufficient roles to be accepted as an author. The author(s) must meet all these criteria described above. The order of names in the author list of an article must be a co-decision and it must be indicated in the Copyright Agreement Form.
The individuals who do not meet the authorship criteria but contributed to the study must take place in the acknowledgement section. Individuals providing technical support, assisting writing, providing a general support, providing material or financial support are examples to be indicated in acknowledgement section.
All authors must disclose all issues concerning financial relationship, conflict of interest, and competing interest that may potentially influence the results of the research or scientific judgment. When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published paper, it is the author’s obligation to promptly cooperate with the Editor to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.
Responsibility for the Editor and Reviewers
Editors evaluate the manuscripts objectively in accordance with scientific and ethical rules. They provide a fair double-blind peer review of the submitted articles for publication. They ensure that all the information related to submitted manuscripts is kept as confidential before publishing. Editors are responsible for the contents and overall quality of the publication. They must publish errata pages or make corrections when needed.
Editor does not allow any conflicts of interest between the authors, editors and reviewers. Only he has the full authority to assign a reviewer and is responsible for final decision for publication of the manuscripts in the Journal.
Reviewers evaluate the manuscripts objectively in accordance with scientific and ethical rules. They must have no conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and/or the research funders. Their judgments must be objective.
Reviewers should identify the relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. They must ensure that all the information related to submitted manuscripts is kept as confidential and must report to the Editor if they are aware of copyright infringement and plagiarism on the author’s side. A reviewer who feels unqualified to review the topic of a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify the Editor and excuse himself from the review process.
The editor informs the reviewers that the manuscripts are confidential information and that this is a privileged interaction. The reviewers and editorial board cannot discuss the manuscripts with other persons. The reviewers are not allowed to have copies of the manuscripts for personal use and they cannot share manuscripts with others. Unless the authors and editor permit, the reviews of referees cannot be published or disclosed. The anonymity of the referees is important. In particular situations, the editor may share the review of one reviewer with other reviewers to clarify a particular point.
All expenses of the journal are covered by the Istanbul University. Processing and publication are free of charge with the journal. There is no article processing charges or submission fees for any submitted or accepted articles.